5 Reasons Direct Mail is More Effective Than Email Marketing

 In Direct Mail

One of the most cost effective and really practical way of reaching your customer with guaranteed returns is through Direct mails. But many seem to ignore this practical tactic alluding to the fact that it may not appeal or meet up with modern day marketing standards. For such ones the perfect replacement for Direct mail is no other than the expensive Email marketing. Well, while Email marketing has its benefits, Direct mail has a more profound effect although proponents of Email marketing may argue otherwise. I will be highlighting 5 fundamental ways in which Direct mail bring about practical results. But before that it’s imperative for me to briefly discuss what direct mail and email marketing refers to. Direct mails refer to a marketing strategy where existing and potential clients are sent promotional offers via text messages, letters, adverts and lots of other medium while email marketing as the name implies involves sending marketing details and offers to a set of individuals via emails. Reasons why Direct mail is more effective than Email marketing are:

  • Target Audience: Direct mails can be structured tin order be directed to individuals who have interest in a particular field, or better still age groups or based on occupations. Email marketing is greatly flawed in this regard. A company who sells diapers can easily send Direct mails via any chosen channel only to newly delivered mothers or nursing mothers as it is on their database, Email marketing can be applied in this regard but the bandwidth of customers at the receiving of this mails definitely is not restricted to newly delivered mothers.
  • Personal Details: This is another aspect in which the shortcomings of Email marketing can be seen. Direct mails which includes personal details of customer appeal to customers because customers appreciate that a great deal of resources has been expended to research in order to deduce if such products appeal to them.
  • Result Evaluations: The number of successful leads converted as a result of direct mails sent can easily be collated unlike email marketing which requires a great deal of resources in retrieving data of leads converted.
  • Customer Relationship: In recent times customers are skeptical of adverts seen via emails or on the internet at large, but the use of direct mails helps build brand trust, in that customers rely greatly on brands with whom they have personal contact with and a channel of communication unique to them.
  • Cost: This in fact the major advantage of Direct mail over Email marketing. The digital and technical skills involved in Email marketing is eliminated in Direct mail which requires basic understanding of the medium of communication chosen. Direct mail is the most cost effective means of appealing to customers.

While Email marketing may work in areas where Direct mails may not, when choosing between Direct mails and Email marketing, Direct mail is preferable.

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