Running For Office? Direct Mail Can Help You Win

 In Direct Mail

Are you thinking about running for office? You probably are considering a few methods to market yourself and make your views and platform ideal to the public. You’ve considered social media and its advantages to reach out to many demographics. However, you probably haven’t considered the many advantages a direct mail campaign has over a digital campaign.

Here are some pointers on how direct mail marketing can be beneficial to your campaign.

Personalization Drives Engagement

People want connection. They not only crave connection but one that is unique, powerful, and real. The more personalized an experience is, the more the person will engage and act based on that experience.

According to statistics from USPS, 44% of mail addressed to a specific person is read immediately. 84% of consumers are more likely to open a direct mail piece if it is personalized. 59% of businesses say targeting is one of the top reasons for considering direct mail.

These statistics demonstrate that if a tangible method of communication is more personal. The personal aspect of direct mail marketing makes it more likely to engage and trust the messages given to the reader. If individualize your platform into direct mail marketing, you can ensure that it will garner trust and authenticity.

Print Can Be More Powerful Than Digital

We hear so often that there is power in social media. While the volume and speed at which we can transfer information in this way is indeed powerful, we have forgotten the ways in which people not just gain information but the way they retain and remember.
A Canadian neuromarketing firm conducted a study that demonstrated two results:

  1. Direct mail requires 21% less cognitive effort to process than digital media, suggesting that it is both easier to understand and more memorable.
  2. Overall effectiveness, referred to as the motivation-to-cognitive load ratio within the study, showed that direct mail scored an average 1.31 compared to 0.87 for all digital channels. This is significant because, in this type of test, values greater than 1.0 are indicative of broad in-market success.

Successful marketing comes with the ability to connect and engage your audience in a smart way.  A direct mail marketing campaign allows voters to trust your campaign. It allows voters be motivated to act in a way a digital campaign alone cannot. Take advantage to this powerful marketing and allow Letterhub to become your avenue to success.

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