Compliant Notices
Stay on top of mail compliance with LetterHUB, so an impending audit won't keep you up at night.

Lightning Fast

We assure you that your documents will be processed and sent on-time. Our system makes the process as simple as possible for optimal delivery speeds and improved results.

Intelligent Tracking

LetterHUB’s platform updates mail with tracking events in real-time, allowing you to watch out for compliance notices as they penetrate the mailstream and ensuring that they end up exactly where they should be.

Historical Archives

LetterHUB makes it easy for you to access your rendered documents whenever you want and effortlessly look up anything you’ve sent to a customer. It’s safe, secure, and HIPAA compliant.

Fully Compliant

Improper delivery of your collections message can lead to customer complaints, lawsuits, and even monetary damages. Our letters are fully compliant with all federal and state regulations such as the FDCPA and UDAAP.

Are You Ready To Get Started?