What Nonprofits Should Know About Direct Mail Fundraising
Every now and then nonprofits have to raise funds to keep the organization working. While several organizations make use of several fundraising means, direct mail has contributed largely to the success of funds raised by nonprofits. However, nonprofits need to be guided on some certain dos and don’ts when they are making use of direct mail for fundraising. Taking note of this goes a long way in determining the success or otherwise of such fundraising. As a nonprofit, you should know the following when making use of direct mail for fundraising.
It Has To Be Comprehensively Drafted
Direct mail fundraising is a way of soliciting for funds from donors for a project your organization needs to carry out. As such, it has to be comprehensive enough to give the receiver an insight as to what the project is about and what strategy or strategies are being put in place by the nonprofit to see to the project coming to fruition. In doing this, the nonprofits can include image samples also. This way the donor is not only convinced to donate, but is also being assured that such donation will be used for the purpose for which it was solicited for.
Constantly Follow Up Donors
Life is filled with absolutely benevolent people who are always ready to help and support several causes. The challenge there is that this set of people are usually always busy with one thing or the other. This is why as a nonprofit making use of direct mail for fund raising, you need to follow up your mails in such a way as to remind donors of your project, and also remind others of their promise to donate or support your organization. Also following up includes that you keep donors up to date on projects being executed so as to be transparent enough to secure their trust.
Gratitude Is Key
Being grateful they say is a way to apply for more and always have that application granted. Always learn to send mails to donors who have contributed in any way to your nonprofit organization thanking them for their efforts and inputs. This should not take the conventional direct mail format, instead you should personalize the mail, call them by their names. A good wish for them and their business can also be really helpful. Most importantly don’t forget to link your next request to the present by telling them how much you will appreciate their support any other time you need it.
As a nonprofit, if you are able to know how to draft your direct mail in a simple yet comprehensive way as to provide all the necessary information needed to convince your donor then you’re good. You’re better when you can constantly follow up on past and present donors on a timely basis to have them respond to your mail. As a nonprofit, you are the best when you are able to communicate gratitude to your donors, thanking them for their contributions no matter how little.